Floral Tributes from
Jim Reeves museum
in Voxna, Sweden


Jim Reeves grave is located on a one-acre, tree-covered plot of ground three miles east of Carthage om US Highway 79, Texas.
Here you see various flower arrangement from "JIM REEVES museum".
Placed at the grave on the anniverary of Jim´s death since July 31, 2014
In 1967, his dog Cheyenne was buried inside the concrete circle surrounding the grave of his former master.
In just a few feet to one side and to the rear, in just abouth the same position Cheyenne would have assumed in following his master.

A unique image they shows how well "Cheyenne" was prepared for the final rest next to Jim.
Mary Reeves was finally moved to Carthage on July 13, 2011, to lie next to Jim which was her last wish.
She passed away on November 1999.
Joyce Jackson (Jim´s secretary) and Jennifer Bennett (Canada) visit the Memorial, 2014.
Mart Brant, friend of the museum, visited the Memorial 2019
Mart is a big fan of Jim and one of those amazing singers who passes on and keeps Jim´s memory alive to other generations.
Listen and enjoy Mart´s version of :
Am I that easy to forget.

These flower arrangements are together with the
Jim Reeves museum funded by a small number of fans from Sweden.:
Leif Törner, Göran Efvergren and Mary Carlsson

Jim Reeves museum, Leif Törner, Göran Efvergren and Mary Carlsson of SWEDEN